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    Tell the Bell Logo

    It is designed solely to offer unofficial guides and resources for navigating Kynect.

    Filling out the “Contact Us” form will connect you with this website (, which will then provide references to official TelltheBell guides whenever possible.

    A Letter from Ethan Turner

    Attention Taco Bell fans! I'm Ethan Turner, and I'm here to dish on all things TellTheBell. This feedback platform allows you to share your honest thoughts about your recent Taco Bell experience.

    Whether you had a fantastic visit or encountered an area for improvement, your voice matters. TellTheBell is your chance to directly impact the future of Taco Bell.

    In this space, I'll guide you through the TellTheBell survey process, explain its importance, and answer any questions you may have. We'll explore how your feedback can contribute to a tastier and more enjoyable Taco Bell experience for everyone.

    So, let's make Taco Bell even better! Share your thoughts and experiences with confidence using TellTheBell.

    Have a delicious day, Ethan Turner